About us
About us
World Adventure Tours is a small family-run company located in Uppsala, Sweden. We believe in the know-how and experience of the people who live and work locally. That’s why we don’t make our adventure packages ourselves. We get them from the most qualified: the locals. In short: we exist to put you in touch with reliable local travel companies so that you can get the best possible adventure experience. We also provide travel guarantees, insurance, and reliable payment options.
Our values
We have our priorities straight. All adventures with us will be ethical, green, and fair. By that, we mean that your once-in-a-lifetime adventure will not have a negative impact on the wondrous destinations that welcome us. This goes for tourism’s environmental impact and social and economic effects. We have all the important certifications, but most importantly, by booking locally through us, most of your money ends up in the hands of the people doing most of the work. This benefits local development and the economy in a way that, for example, charities cannot.
Carefully selected adventures
We have a small selection of destinations and adventures to offer you. This is because we carefully select them from local companies that we know and trust to ensure quality. We want to have a personal relationship with every person you will meet on your adventure -from agents and hotel managers to guides and drivers.
Travel guarantee
We have arranged a travel guarantee with the Swedish Legal, Financial, and Administrative Services Agency (Kammarkollegiet). The travel guarantee means that you will be able to receive compensation if any part of your package trip or linked travel arrangements is canceled in the event that we should become insolvent. The travel guarantee we have arranged means that you are entitled to compensation for the unfulfilled part of the package trip or linked travel arrangement we are responsible for.
Commitment to sustainability
We work with many people in tourism, like travelers, tour guides, agents, hotel managers, and drivers. Because of this, we have a small but important role to play in developing sustainable tourism. As a result, we have committed our company to work towards sustainability. We will implement and promote good sustainability practices. We do this to maximize the positive impacts and minimize the harmful effects of tourism. We also try to influence our travelers and partners to do the same. You can see and download our full sustainability policy here.
Recognition and certifications
World Adventure Tours has been awarded the Travelife Partner level. Travelife is the leading international sustainability certification for the travel sector. More than 35 national travel associations are promoting the scheme to their members, including, SMAL, APAVT, UHPA, ANVR, ABTA, PATA, and more. The award recognizes the long-term efforts of World Adventure Tours regarding sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility. World Adventure Tours complies with more than 100 criteria, related to an operator’s office management, product range, international business partners, and customer information. The Travelife Partner level standard covers the ISO 26000 Corporate Social Responsibility themes, including environment, biodiversity, human rights, and labor relation.
The Travelife Partner award recognizes our commitment to social and environmental sustainability. We comply with more than 100 criteria related to sustainability management, office operations, working with suppliers, and customer communication. We are working towards further improvements aiming to reach the Travelife Certified stage eventually.